Bear Essentials
(essential edits
essential bear)

Editing Agreement
The editing agreement is a document summarizing what we'll discuss during booking; it will detail the due date, the full price, the expectation of the work, etc. The agreement exists to protect both of us so that you're getting your project returned and that I get paid in a timely manner.
Because it's an important document for any editing or website building project, I won't begin work until both the deposit has been paid and the editing agreement has been sent back signed. It will be sent as an attachment in the PayPal invoice, but it can be emailed back to me once you have read and signed it. If I don't receive your signed editing agreement within ten (10) calendar days of sending the invoice, I will keep your deposit as a cancellation fee and cancel our contract together.

Cancellation Fees
If the editing agreement is not returned to me signed in ten (10) calendar days, I will keep 100% of your non-refundable deposit. If I am forced to refuse service for any reason after work has begun, I will keep 100% of the deposit as the cancellation fee.
If you choose to cancel the contract after work has begun, I will keep 100% of the deposit to cover the work I have done and cancel the invoice, UNLESS a significant amount of work has been completed—if more than half of the work has been finished, I will send a new invoice that reflects how much work has been completed of the project. If the balance is not paid, I will not turn over the work and will keep the deposit.
If I am unable to complete the work for any reason outside of your control (i.e. I am not refusing service), I will return 100% of the deposit.
All this said, I am willing to work with my clients to prevent any of this happening! I believe in open communication; things happen. If there is no communication, however, I will take that as refusal to pay/comply with the ToS.

Returning Clients
In order to make it easier to work together through several rounds of editing, I offer discounts for returning clients. If you book me for developmental and copyediting, your last developmental editing discount will apply to your copyediting.
Stage One: full price
Stage Two: 5% off
Stage Three: 10% off
Stage Four: 15% off
15% off is the cap, regardless of how many stages are completed after the 15% discount is applied.
If you work with me on multiple books, you'll start with 5% off for the first stage and receive discounts up to 15%, i.e. you'll start the first stage with a 15% discount, even if they're not part of a series. 15% remains the cap.

Payment Plans
Payment plans MUST be agreed on before the invoice is sent in order for the payment plan to be valid. The terms of the payment plan will be outlined in the editing agreement wrt minimum monthly amounts, due dates, and expected payoff timeline. With payment plans ONLY, the completed work will be turned over before the payments are finished, according to the details we work out. I do not add interest to payment plans at all, but I will add a late fee if payments are late without prior communication (within reason).
Late fees will accumulate at a rate of 2% of the full balance every week the payment is late, unless a new due date is agreed upon by us both PRIOR to the missed due date.

Guarantee of Success
I cannot guarantee if you choose me to edit your work that you will get a publishing deal, an agent, or make sales as a self-published writer. Any copywriting or websites created cannot guarantee sales or anything similar. I make my best good faith effort at creating websites or presenting edits that fulfill your needs, but that's as far as I can extend a guarantee or warranty.

Refusal of Service
I maintain the right to refuse service at any time. Reasons why may include, but are not limited to, the following:
Objectionable content that was not disclosed in the manuscript with no attempt to discuss prior to booking
Failure to comply with the ToS or editing agreement
Failure to sign and return the editing agreement within ten (10) days of the invoice being sent
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